The 2020-21 academic year for children in the K-12th grade age range was marked with online and hybrid schooling. The dream of universal vaccines and flattening lines of cases and hospitalizations gave us hope that 2021-22 would be a recovery year from a very intense year of children being primarily in the home environment for education. Unfortunately, as the academic year begins, vaccines are only available for children 12 and older, and cases in the United States continue to increase because of the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, we may be dealing with more online schooling.
This data brief is the first in a series of reports intended to share public opinion results to inform researchers and decision makers with information about attitudes in the United States related to different aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Suggested Citation: Davis-Kean, P., Ryan, R., Singh, L., & Waters, N. (2021). Groundhog day: Homeschooling in the time of COVID-19. MOSAIC Data Brief: August 2021. Measuring Online Social Attitudes and Information Collaborative.
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