Despite being among the first countries to roll out COVID vaccines to the entire population, the United States lags significantly behind many other nations in vaccination rates. Even following the emergence of the Delta variant and the rollout of increased employment-related vaccine mandates, many eligible Americans have still chosen not to take advantage of the safe and effective vaccines that protect against COVID-19. While a majority of Americans are now fully vaccinated, the question remains as to why eligible people have chosen not to get a vaccine.
This data brief is the third in a series of reports intended to share public opinion results to inform researchers and decision makers with information about attitudes in the United States related to different aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Suggested Citation: Bode, L., Pasek, J., Raghunathan, T., & Singh, L. (2021). Explaining vaccine hesitancy. MOSAIC Data Brief: October 2021. Measuring Online Social Attitudes and Information Collaborative.
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